Yeah it’s time for holidays intellectual camp!!! Youpiii I will see my friends again. Wow after seven loooong months of online workshops I well be able to interact with my classmates and learn so many useful recipes and singing tips!
These are the words of Batoussin Rachel form two student who is very happy to be back to school for th holiday camp which this year will entail, intellectual games as well as the discovery of learning strategies as far as the content of next year is concerned. Form two isn’t a very easy class and it will be tough for her who had some learnings needs by the end of the third term due to covid measures. Anyway, starting afresh with a great kick off as this holiday camp is, will enable not only Rachel but all the other students , (especially those coming from other schools with no privilege to online lessons as in Nazareth) to achieve their dream of quality education. Welcome back dear kids we too are very happy to see you once more!!!
Eagle eyes!